The LARP society (LARPSOC) comprises scientists from many disciplines with a shared interest in the study of La-motif containing proteins such as genuine La and La-related proteins (LARPs). Since their initial characterization, genuine La proteins have been shown to function in the metabolism of a wide spectrum of noncoding and coding RNAs, several of which have been implicated in human disease. More recently, the study of LARPs in various eukaryotic species has expanded on the known functions of these proteins, such as participating in mRNA translation.
The aims of LARPSOC are both to promote research into La-motif containing proteins and to provide a discussion forum, in the form of a website and meetings held alternate-yearly, around this fascinating area of discovery.
The LARP Society had their biennial meeting at Tagungsort Wildbad, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany between 10-13 September 2018. Thanks to all attendees for a great meeting and for all our sponsors for their support.